Week 16 – Master Key – kindness

kindness valuable gift
kindness ˈkʌɪn(d)nəs/ noun:  the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
This week, we are to focus as consciously as possible on spreading kindnessThis is not a difficult task for me, as I do this anyway, without reciprocity, but it made me try even harder.  Though it had me thinking, how do we keep the momentum of kindness going?  By giving something in every encounter, bring love; give love away.
Even with the negative energy that is all round us, positive energy is shining through with more and more people round the world joining together to create a more peaceful society.  Momentum is gathering for a world filled with kindness.
kindness world in right direction
We can be a part of this wonderful journey, like so many others including the MKMMA group, forging the way to a world of kindness.  Check this link of random acts of kindness in Australia:  http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-lifestyle/random-acts-of-kindness/news-story/31b3b337b62aa5d28017ed9867457b82:
It is a discipline to break old habits.  Master Key Part 16:27 If our thought is constructive and harmonious we manifest good; if it is destructive and discordant we manifest evil.  The negative energy from others (or ourselves) has a way of trickling into our thoughts and affecting how we interact with the world (which can, in turn, attract more of that same negative energy).  It takes only a moment to pause, center into kindness, shift our mindset to that of thankfulness.

kindness einstein

Love and harmony is most important.  It begins and continues through making changes in the way you think, practicing loving kindness, and accepting what is.  I give with a smile and a kind word.


Random Acts of Kindness Week
February 14-20, 2016


The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is an internationally recognized non-profit organization founded upon the powerful belief in kindness and dedicated to providing resources and tools that encourage acts of kindness.  Random Acts of Kindness day was founded by Josh de Jong of New Zealand, where it is celebrated on 1 September.  It is also recognized by some on other days throughout the year however, doing random acts of kindness is something that can be done everyday of the year.

A few quotes of kindness:

  • Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~Mark Twain
  • No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~Aesop
  • Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end. ~Scott Adams
  • Kind words and actions can seem so small, but their effects are truly endless ~ Author Unknown

kindness rak princess diana

LOVE with all our heart!  FORGIVE even when it is hard.  SMILE often.

kindness treasure kindness

Week 15 – Master Keys – nature’s greatest miracle

miracle oscar wilde

miracle permission grantedI am giving myself permission to accept that I am part of what created me.  I am nature’s greatest miracle; whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.

It is all coming together, as I grow, improve and gradually break habits with the Master Keys program stimulating the drive within me.  Pausing to appreciate and enjoy each moment as a miracle.  Learning I am in charge of my own decisions on this journey to find my purpose.  Though this is not a new concept as have known I am on this earth for a purpose, mentioning this notion to a friend a few years back, though not sure what that purpose was back then.

miracle pic

Since starting this program, realise fear at times has held me back from reaching my potential.  I now have the confidence to be me.  Primed ready for a change of thought, ‘what is’ instead of ‘what should be’ and finding the use of substitution helpful as a way to look at things differently, as outlined in Neurological Associative Reactive Conditioning (NARC).

Told recently, by more than one person, they notice how intuitive I am.  Hearing this has given me the confidence to embrace this gift, not hide it.  It is not craziness.  GS Scroll IV:  I will fan this flame of dissatisfaction and proclaim my uniqueness to the world.  I am rare…I am valuable.  I have unlimited potential.  Mark J consistently mentions the greatest within is its own reward and this is not craziness, others not on the same pathway dancing to this rhythm of life and vitality don’t hear the music.  

miracle og

Wonderful to know there is a gift hiding not only within me, but each of us, ready to release and offer to the world.  This has me contemplating the potential energy that would be generated round the world if each individual on earth was involved to impart kindness and gratitude, releasing the gift from a mindset of peace and acceptance, to achieve positive results.

Earl Nightengale, author of The Strangest Secret, shares the key to success and the key to failure:  We become what we think about.  This is reflected in the movies, ‘Wild’ and ‘Rudy’ plus ‘Joy’, a recent release not on the list.  In each of these stories, each person achieves impossible odds.  I am motivated by these people to continue to persist.

During my studies, I am learning how the mind is taken for granted and how much time is wasted not utilising to its enormous potential.  Why are we not made aware of this wonderful gift earlier on in life?

The mind can do any kind of job we assign to it, generally we use it for little jobs instead of big important ones.  It is such a simple concept.  All that is required is to plant that seed in your mind of what you want, care for it, work steadily towards your goal, and it will become a reality.

The human mind contains riches beyond our wildest dreams and will return anything we want to plant, as shown in the example I happened to view, of Amanda McKenzie (Climate Council CEO).  Amanda, discusses how she seized opportunities and followed her passion with a deep sense of purpose.   A young Australian activist who led the 2013 campaign to crowdfund an independent Climate Council, after the Australian Government disbanded the Climate Commission.  Here is the Australian ABC program link:  http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-01-05/one-plus-one-‘nature-plus-nurture’-summer-series:/7069392

Life should be an exciting adventure.  Be more…Love more…Live more.

miracle text brian tracy



Week 14 – Master Keys – inspired by ‘Wild’


Homework for the week included watching movies.  What a wonderful list the Master Keys team provided to choose from.  I watched ‘Wild’, a story about personal growth.  I became absorbed in Cheryl Strayed’s journey as she treks for 94 days along an arduous 1100 miles (1770 km) of the 2663 mile (4286 km) Pacific Crest Trek from the Mexico to Canadian borders, one of the USA’s longest and toughest trails.

This is a journey of self-discovery and healing.  One woman trying to find a way to move forward, to become the woman her mother had always thought she was, reflecting on her childhood and memories of her mother.  The death of her mother sends Cheryl spiralling into self-destructive behaviour which destroys her marriage.  Unplanned and with no outdoors experience, a heavy backpack and little else but her own will, she sets out alone to hike the trail to piece her life back together and redeem herself.  She shows her strength and vulnerability to survive both emotionally and physically, surviving harsh conditions of the elements, using the pain that drove her to hike to find the right life path.

There are symbols of her letting all the bad things out, the heavy bag she carries at the beginning of the journey, bleeding feet, new shoes that fit, throwing up.  Arriving at the Gods bridge is the beginning of realisation and renewal.  Faith in humanity is noted in the example when a young male hiker (one of the ‘three young bucks’) comments about Cheryl’s knack for receiving assistance with little effort, “people doing things for you, helping you out” and Cheryl replies, “refills come to me.”

wild text

I was inspired by the story, which reiterates lessons in the Mastermind Keys program.  The trek takes courage and persistence to complete which Cheryl tests with her tenacity to continue forward till she is finished.   This is a woman pushing her boundaries, learning to be true to her feelings, having the strength and incredible will to let go and move on.

Her goal is that of self-improvement and using all the strength within to reach this goal, as I utilise the Master Keys program to focus on a change of habits and with sheer determination strive to reach my goals.

Week 13 – Master Key – shining brighter

brightest stars

This break is very timely, as mentioned in Week 12, faltered recently more than at any other time while studying the Master Key program, but boosted by the encouragement of fellow bloggers.  Remaining as committed now as when first started the Master Key session, trusting my guides and staying in harmony, continuing to stay focused on my new reality.  My own light shining brighter. 

nothing dim

Davene reminds us to be pumped!  How wonderful her reminder is, ‘within all of us lies this amazing being’; extend the miracle which each of you are…all you have to do is give it away.’  I added the word smile to the phrase, ‘I greet this day with a smile and love in my heart’.  Amazed at how the addition of this one word has made a difference to how I feel and helps me tackle any obstacles.

The lead up to Christmas day has me thinking about a thousand things to complete.  Decided early in December to use the Master Key teachings to ease into the Christmas rush and exhilaration which seems part of the special Christmas spirit.  Nothing would phase me!  Armed with this attitude and the confidence and passion Mark and Davene reiterate in the Week 13 webinar made it the most relaxed and effortlessly organised Christmas ever.

Christmas to me is reverence and silliness rolled into one.  To be with loved ones, family and friends new and old.  Give, receive and reflect.  Use words such as celebrate, happy, harmony, hope, joy, merry, peace, prosperous, wish.  Rituals.  Wear silly hats, share silly jokes, go crazy with decorations; sing your lungs out to carols; prepare special meals which fill you up so much you don’t want to eat for another 12 months.

With all the glitter, tinsel and razzmatazz of Christmas, it’s a time for remembering the spiritual meaning of Christmas.  Most important of all, it’s a time of sharing our lives, our hopes and our hearts with each other.

151220 Christmas Roo This kangaroo hopped in recently to my yard to say Merry Christmas.

Love this time of year!  Wishing everyone a wonderful and safe Christmas and Happy New Year!  🙂  beach starfish santa


Week 12 – Master Key – persistence

persist og

Started writing my blog early in the week as had strong thoughts to jot down after the webinar and Master Key 12, but for some reason writers block set in.  Hence its late submission.  Persisted the rest of the week to finish.  Scroll III of The Greatest Salesman in the World reads:  ‘persist until I succeed’ and ‘Each obstacle I consider as a mere detour to my goal’ which is exactly what I have been practising.

My blog may seem disjointed and unfinished this week as I had trouble weaving thoughts and references to make some sense.

The Master Key 12:  The only way to keep from going backward is to keep going forward.  There are three steps…first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do.

Webinar, Mark J and Davene:  Law of substitution.  Put yourself in your dream, do it in as many ways as you can.  Learning and leveraging laws of the mind and the 5 senses, intensify the feeling round a thought.

Becoming invincible is not an easy feat.  Invincible comes ultimately from the Latin verb vincere, “to conquer.”  Super heroes are said to be invincible.  My super hero within is trying hard to be released but isn’t quite ready.  Acquiring super hero status requires preparation and perspiration.  No time to look back, time to buckle up and set in motion to live the intention and combine thought impregnated with love (12.17 and 12.18). 

The steps to take have been a little unsteady.  The steps include the Law of practice; exercising the body and mind with the Mind Gym and some physical exertion:  Take the left elbow and place on the right knee.

Till next week…super heroes

Week 11 – Master Key – connecting to me

listen image

We have the tools to be a better operator…

The MKMMA journey has guided me on the path of rejuvenating my mind, body and soul to be a better operator.

What a wonderful journey it has been so far, finding the confidence to release both negative and positive thoughts and emotions in a healthy way.

create balance

This sense of rejuvenation was helped along this week by spending a couple of days chilling out at a retreat.  I have never been to a retreat and it was one of those inexplicable opportunities that became available.  Welcomed like one of the family by staff, who totally embrace the sense of harmony and serve others first without expectation. 

This long overdue time out, aligned beautifully with the MKMMA program.  Continued to create a sense of peace within while here, to feel more grounded, by clearing the mind of negative thoughts, exercising the body and mind with walking, yoga, stretching, meditation, mindfulness, massage.  Nourishing and cleansing the body with wonderful vegetarian food, herbal teas and water – no processed food.   No internet, tv or radio.

Came away feeling refreshed by the experience and ready to tackle anything.

person jumping in air

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.

Namaste 🙂


Week 10 – Master Key – reflect

reflect flower

Time to reflect on a journey of self-discovery which began 10 weeks ago.  Some weeks easier than others, some quite intense.

I was unsure what Master Keys was all about, but always a sense of knowing it was the right thing to do.  A warmth is shared by all involved, from the MKMAA team to those like me on the same journey.  Mark Js enthusiasm continues to make me feel good and have moments when I can’t help but giggle.

No webinar this week, which has been very timely as not near normal internet access.  Each weekly webinar and reading is reassuring and in some ways have felt a bit lost this week with the disruption to my routine as no webinar to view.  Glad for the break, reviewing my progress and preparing for the next stage of the program.  Remembering to keep focused and not stray too much from the routine.

To date, my number 1 phrase is still ‘I greet this day with love in my heart’.  Besides saying this phrase daily, it has become my go to phrase now when stuck in any unsure moment.  My mind and body relaxes when I release these words.

After completing, with ease, Master Key 10.24 visualising exercise, the end product a cone on a square base in various colours, it was a relief to read …you are making excellent progress and will soon be enabled to concentrate on any problem you may have in mind.  Yeah, reassure I’m progressing!

How fabulous there is so much more ahead for me to discover.

...the world gives him all that it has to give, in friendship, honor, love and approval.

reflect text yoga


Week 9 – Master Key – become a positive force

positive force snoopy

What an awakening, the greatest mechanism on the planet, the brain.  We have this within us, we do not use it to it’s best ability.  Why are we not educated about this from an early age?

I have learnt heaps these past weeks.  First timer with blogging and twitter.  More comfortable with blogging, haven’t got the hang of twitter yet.  I don’t know where people find the time to be on so much social media.  There are too many more important things in world to be doing.

Week 8, my favourite so far.  Some Week 8 readings which hit the mark with me:  Master Key – Part Eight:

If it were not for law, the Universe would be a Chaos instead of a Cosmos.

Thought results in action, if your thought is constructive and harmonious, the result will be good; if your thought is destructive or inharmonious, the result will be evil.

Illustrated in lives of Emerson and Carlyle.  Emerson loved the good and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony, Carlyle hated the bad, and his life was a record of perpetual discord and disharmony.

8:26 It is thus that you may weave a garment of spirit and power into the web of your entire existence; it is thus that you may lead a charmed life and be forever protected from all harm; it is thus that you may become a positive force whereby conditions of opulence and harmony may be attracted to you.

I love this!  “…be forever protected from all harm” and “…become a positive force whereby conditions of opulence and harmony may be attracted to you”.

Look To This Day For it is Life, the very Life of Life.  In its brief course lie all the Verities and Realities of your existence; The Bliss of Growth; The Glory of Action; The Splendor of Beauty; For Yesterday is but a Dream, and tomorrow is only a Vision:  But Today well lived makes every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness, and Every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.  Look well, therefore, to This Day!  From the Sanskrit

Experienced quite a few moments of unexplained connections, which make me think, how good is that!  Like when I booked my car in for a wheel alignment and same morning, received from the company a random sms offering 15% off wheel alignments.  This is a recently new concept the company has started.

Many more positive moments occurred, even connecting with people I hadn’t been in touch with for many years.  Lucky me!

be a blessing

Now for Week 9.  Wonderful!


Week 8 – Master Key – looking at things differently

look at things differently

Mark J advises, ‘when you look at things differently, things look different’.

In this week’s MKMMA webinar given a puzzle to solve.  Numbers 1 and 9 are missing, where do they belong.  I check the string of numbers 8, 11, 15, 5, 4, 14, 7, 6, 10, 13, 3, 12, 2 and think…aaarrrrhhhh….these types of questions drive me crazy!  No, didn’t answer right, but when I heard the answer, chuckled and thought ‘so easy and logical, it makes sense’.  Like a party trick, can’t wait to try this on others.

Each exercise we work on during this journey is another way to look at things differently and have the dots connect.  Every MKMMA instruction, each project, webinar, link and reading, is there to assist us on this journey to our life purpose.  Helping to find the most comfortable way to express our authentic self.  What a wonderful goal!

Expressing myself and being creative through writing is something I love to do, but my brain has been blocked.  Not allowing my heart be the decision maker, which shows in my DMP text.  Surprised how challenging this exercise has been.  Realise I have been drifting through the years, my foundations have been crumbly, at times momentary glimpses to my true authentic self.  Changing my PPNs helped the words flow and the visualization and recording exercises are helping release emotion I usually share naturally.

Already been reading with a beat, with rhythm and at times burst into song, especially with the ‘Gal in the Glass’.  In my element when given the exercise to choose music and voice over our DMP, Blue Print Builder, POA, etc.  So easy using Voice Memos on my iPhone, a first for me.  Enjoyed this exercise heaps as love music.

Mental Diet is an interesting exercise. Thought I was a positive person, however, MD has made me realise I falter from time to time.  Find now I am taking greater interest in how people express themselves.  Great concept, a diet for the mind!  Reference. Emmet Fox, “The 7 Day Mental Diet”.  Like any diet, not as easy as it sounds.  Dismiss negative thoughts for 7 days; start again if you falter.  7 days is like a detox!

Junk is being cleared out of my mind and replaced with positive thoughts.  This is heaps of fun getting to know and share my loving future self, giving gifts from the heart while on the path to follow my bliss.  Fantastic!


Week 7 – Master Key – options


Keeping the momentum even when I stumble.  The MKMMA tasks are ramping up, so much to do!

Changes to DMP, realised my PPNs weren’t in tune with my DMP.  I was struggling.  Feel more aligned, comfortable and relaxed with my thoughts and writing now, it’s all starting to gel.

The ‘Gal in the glass’ is becoming a friend and Chapter 9 Scroll II of ‘The Greatest Salesman in the World’, continues to resonate strongly within my mind and heart.  I find these readings very calming.

Lots of options and fun stuff to do, as ways to find your direction, life purpose  – wear a compass, visualization and karaoke sing song.

…you will be led to do the right thing at the right time and in the right way…feeling gives vitality to thought…